
この度、当社は船員の健康改善に向けた“食”の取り組みを開始いたしました。当社は日本郵船株式会社(以下、日本郵船)ならびに日本郵船のグループ企業であるMarCoPay Inc.、NYK-Fil Ship Management, Inc.や八馬汽船株式会社(以下、八馬汽船)との協力体制のもと、海運業界以外の有識者からも有志を募り船員のウェルビーイング向上を目指し検討を続けてまいりましたが、船員の健康や食事にフォーカスした試みは初となります。
続きを読む...Nourishing Wellness: A New Initiative to Improve Seafarers' Health with NYK Group

We are pleased to announce that we have launched a well-being initiative to improve the health of our seafarers through the power of food. We have been working with NYK and NYK Group companies, including MarCoPay Inc.,NYK-Fil Ship Management, Inc. and HACHIUMA STEAMSHIP Co., LTD. to improve the wellbeing of seafarers in collaboration with experts from outside the shipping industry. This initiative is our first attempt to focus on seafarers' health through better nutrition and meal planning.